Welcome to Holy Innocents Hornsey

Holy Innocents is the Church of England Parish Church for Hornsey and Crouch End

Our congregation is a vibrant mix of ages and backgrounds. Our services are in the Anglo-Catholic tradition and everyone is welcome to come and worship.

Come and join us for worship, with Mass on Sunday at 10am (followed by light refreshments) and on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays at 10am and Thursdays at 7pm. Everybody is very welcome!


You can also join us for Mass at 10am on Sundays online. Midweek masses will also be streamed. You can watch all of these services on our Facebook page and you don’t need an account or to sign in.

Our Stay and Play, Little Innocents, runs on a Tuesday from 9-12pm, a space for parents and carers to bring their toddlers. We run a community coffee morning at 10:45 on Wednesdays (just after Mass!). Please feel free to join us outside the church for a cup of tea or coffee and a biscuit.

Watch our services live here

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Watch our recent services here

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You can also click on our news page to watch videos of recent services. Join our mailing list for updates on when the church building will re-open.

Keeping the church going in this time of rising energy costs remains a struggle. To help us stay open you can donate on here on our Give A Little Page.

Stay and play 2

We are strongly committed to serving our neighbours and are enthusiastic about our work with local schools and community groups, especially our involvement with Haringey & Enfield Homeless Respite.

You may also be interested in coming along to Little Innocents, our Stay and Play every Tuesday from 9.30-12. Stay and Play runs all year, but closes for a week after Christmas, a week after Easter and for August. It remains open for half term.

Innocent Reflections

Each week we publish a blog post with a reflection on what’s going on. You can read the latest one here: Innocent Reflections Latest Blogs . You can also subscribe on the link to get these blog posts by email. 

Safeguarding Statement

Holy Innocents believes that safeguarding is the responsibility of everybody and is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all those who are vulnerable (children, young people, vulnerable adults).

We expect all of our staff, volunteers and those who use our premises to share this commitment and value the support of those who worship here in achieving this.

You can see our safeguarding policy by clicking on this link:

Promoting a Safer Diocese Final – (Nov 2018) (1)

What to do if you have a safeguarding concern

If you have immediate concerns about someone’s safety, please contact the Police on 999 or

Haringey Children’s Social Care:

Monday to Thursday 8.45am to 5pm; Friday 8.45am to 4.45pm Tel: 020 8489 4470 Out of office hours, including weekends the Emergency Duty Team Tel: 020 8489 0000

Haringey Adult Social Care:  020 8489 1400

If your concern is not urgent you can contact or speak to:

Fr Ben: 02083401300, frben.holyinnocents@gmail.com

Fran Johnson: Safeguarding Officer, francescajohnson61@icloud.com, 07947021039

If you cannot contact these people, or have concerns about them, you can also contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Helpline: (9am to 5pm) on 020 7932 1224

Out of hours advice can be sought from the Thirtyone:eight helpline on 0303 003 1111, selecting option 2